
Bio-Health has for over 20 years made pure plant products in accordance with our policy of producing additive free products whenever possible. We also use extracts in our combination products when dose and size of tablet/capsule is an issue, thereby allowing 4-5 herbs to be used in a single product. The company was incorporated in 1981 for the purpose of initiating the first range of vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements totally free from additives. Bio-Health maintains a conscientious approach to the products they manufacture and now market plant ointments and licensed herbal medicinal products of the highest and finest quality, compatible with genuine holistic and “health food” principles.

The philosophy of Herbal Medicine as laid down by traditional herbalists over the years has always been “the whole herb for the whole man” and was the yardstick of the founding members of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists and the British Herbal Medicine Association. This too has been the guiding principle of Bio-Health.

The products are available from New Harmony Health Food Store in Tuam County Galway, available over the counter or through online shop nationwide.

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